The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

Financing mechanisms for local investment in forest and landscape restoration

Year published: 13/10/2017

The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM) organized a two-day workshop on "Financing mechanisms for local investment in forest and landscape restoration" from 13 to 14 July 2017 at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy.

The objective of the workshop was to discuss the first draft of the study that aims to better understand the financial mechanisms supporting effective FLR at the local level. The first draft of the study is the result of a partnership between EcoAgriculture Partners and FAO with inputs from different partners invited to the workshop. 31 experts from various backgrounds attended, including participants from IFAD, The Word Bank, Bioversity International, EcoAdvisors, WRI, UNCDF, CIFOR, Forest International Cooperation Experts, GPFLR, and country representatives.

After a global presentation of the study, focused sessions on each part were organized to capture detailed feedback from participants. Thanks to the discussion, the group agreed on concrete improvements to the study to ensure it is as useful as possible to landscape facilitators, and regarding the type of case studies to showcase.

This first draft was well received by country representatives and all other participants, and its value to countries was highlighted. Following this fruitful workshop, the document will be refined before the end of the year and adapted to offer a variety of learning opportunities (training support …etc.) for the FLRM countries and beyond.

For more information please contact the FLRM team at: [email protected]