The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

Online progress meeting on the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism with the Korea Forest Service

Year published: 19/03/2021

The progress meeting of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM) was held on Zoom on 17 December 2020, bringing together the FAO FLRM team and the Korea Forest Service (KFS). As the initial funder of FLRM, KFS has consistently supported its implementation since 2015 and has also agreed to extend its financial support to 2025. The objectives of the virtual meeting were to:

  • review FLRM progress and achievements in 2020;
  • discuss FLRM perspectives in 2021 and beyond;
  • explore further collaboration opportunities between KFS and FLRM.

The overall progress of FLRM in 2020 was introduced by the FLTM team members, who highlighted achievements in beneficiary countries, resource mobilization, on-going knowledge dissemination and outreach activities and partnerships with other organizations.

The discussion showed how, despite the challenging context created by the COVID-19 pandemic, FLRM yielded key results in 2020. Indeed, many field activities took place and important knowledge results were achieved with the release of “Unasylva 252: Restoring the Earth – the next decade” during the Global Landscapes Forum Conference, and the delivery of technical training for country beneficiaries in collaboration with different partners. FLRM was able to mobilize more financial resources, expanding support in 20 countries and achieving an important role for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration managing the task force on best practices.

The post-FLRM project plan was introduced based on the review of the first-period project, which consists of four outputs:

  • enhancing FLR advocacy and stakeholder coordination at the global level;
  • supporting existing regional platforms, networks and initiatives on FLR programmes and activities;
  • providing technical assistance for FLR implementation in some countries;
  • developing and disseminating knowledge products on FLR.

The technical contribution plan of FLRM to the XV World Forestry Congress (WFC) was showcased. This event will provide an opportunity to share FLRM’s achievements and results obtained in collaboration with country partners through the submission of side events, papers, posters and videos.
Finally, KFS introduced success stories on forest restoration in the Republic of Korea, the International Forestry Cooperation, and the Peace Forest Initiative, newly launched by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

The virtual meeting helped both organizations keep track of FLR progress and their roles, which ultimately strengthened their partnership, preparing them for the green journey ahead.  

For more information contact us at: [email protected].

Christophe Besacier (FAO) and Song Hee Nam (FAO)