The Global Network of Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs

Ethiopia: Ensira a closer look at an agro innovation platform


The Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC) sub-programme for a Global Network of Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs interviewed Boaz Berhanu, a remarkable young scientist from Ethiopia. He is the founder of Ensira, an agroinnovation platform that aims to help young farmers transform the agricultural industry by using universities as a place for transformation.

Berhanu's passion for developing sustainable solutions to the challenges faced by farmers in developing countries is truly inspiring. Through Ensira, he provides a platform for young farmers to access the latest technologies, tools, and knowledge resources they need to innovate and improve their farming practices. This not only helps farmers increase their yields and income but also contributes to the overall growth of the agricultural sector. 

His innovative approach to sustainable and digital agriculture is in alignment to the scope of the DAIH to promoting digital transformation of agri-food systems and has the potential to inspire many more young farmers in Ethiopia.

Q1.How did the idea of founding Ensira come about ?  
The idea to start Ensira came from my own experiences as a graduate and startup founder, and from my observations during my time at Purdue University. As a graduate, I had founded my own startup from the university and had also helped 4 other startups found and grow out of university. This gave me an insight into the potential for job creation, especially in the agricultural sector, within universities.

While at Purdue, I saw the many agriculture-based innovations being developed by students there, and how they were being converted into successful businesses. This further cemented my belief that universities have a crucial role to play in promoting sustainable agriculture and supporting the development of new businesses in the sector. I had the opportunity to observe the various agriculture-based innovations being developed by students and the support systems in place to help turn those innovations into successful businesses.

This experience gave me an insight into the potential for job creation, especially in the agricultural sector, by harnessing the resources and knowledge of universities. My own experience of creating and supporting startups during my studies further cemented the importance of this concept. I realized that similar systems in Ethiopia could greatly benefit the country by creating jobs, increasing the productivity of smallholder farmers, achieving synergies among different stakeholders, and improving the capacities of entrepreneurs.

Q2. What is the current scenario of agriculture, youth and technology in Ethiopia?  
In Ethiopia, agriculture is the backbone of the economy, accounting for around 85% of employment and more than 60% of the country's GDP. However, the sector faces a number of challenges, including low productivity and limited access to technology, credit, and other resources. Youth is a significant portion of the population, but the lack of job opportunities and limited access to resources and training opportunities have led to high rates of unemployment and underemployment.

Many young people in Ethiopia, particularly those living in rural areas, are not able to access the education and training they need to secure good jobs, particularly in the agricultural sector. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of technology in addressing these challenges and promoting sustainable development in Ethiopia.

The government and private sector have invested in initiatives to promote the use of technology in agriculture, including precision agriculture, digital extension services, and agribusiness incubation programs. However, its adoption is still limited, and many smallholder farmers are not able to access the technology and services that could contribute to improve productivity and competitiveness and increase incomes. 

Overall, there is a need to address the underlying challenges facing the agricultural sector in Ethiopia, including lack of access to resources, training, and markets, and to promote the use of technology to create new opportunities for youth in the sector.   

Q3. How can Ensira inspire young people for agricultural innovations and awaken their desire to pursue a path in agriculture? 
Ensira can inspire young people for agricultural innovations by providing a platform for them to turn their ideas into reality. Through our incubation program, we can provide the resources, mentorship, and support needed for young people to develop and test their innovations in a real-world setting. Additionally, we can provide opportunities for them to connect with industry professionals and potential investors, which can help them to see the potential for success in the agricultural sector.  We can inspire youth to pursue careers in agriculture by showcasing the positive impact of technology, particularly AI, and highlighting the potential for growth and success in this dynamic sector.

By showing the benefits of how technology can be used to improve crop yields, reduce costs and increase efficiency, we can demonstrate the potential for innovation and growth in the industry. In addition, through training and education on the latest technologies and trends in agriculture, we can raise awareness, build and develop  young people’s skills and capacities to take advantage of their activities in the field. Ensira is unique because it operates at a national level, covering all regions of Ethiopia, not just the capital where most resources are concentrated.

Ensira also focuses specifically on graduates, providing them with useful resources and support to turn their agricultural innovations into successful businesses. Through access to funding, mentorship, training and networking opportunities, Ensira helps young people acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the sector.

Moreover, by highlighting the potential for career growth and financial success in agriculture, Ensira aims to inspire and motivate young people to pursue a path in the sector and to feed their desire to make a positive impact on their communities through agricultural innovation. Focusing on hands-on graduate support, Ensira’s goal is to empower young people to take control of their careers and shape the future of agriculture in Ethiopia.

Q4. What kind of innovations will Ensira introduce to young farmers? How can this be affordable ?  
Ensira is focused on introducing innovative and emerging technologies to young farmers in Ethiopia, in order to enhance their agricultural practices and increase their productivity and profitability. We understand the importance of affordability in this sector, and we strive to create cost-effective solutions by utilizing open-source technology and locally sourced materials in our product design and production.

This enables us to offer high-quality products at an affordable cost to farmers. Our range of innovations include precision farming tools, digital crop monitoring systems, and mobile-based extension services that are tailored to the specific needs of farmers in the country. By providing access to these tools and services, Ensira aims to improve the sustainability and resilience of the agricultural sector in Ethiopia, and inspire young people to pursue a career in agriculture. 

Ensira will also introduce precision agriculture techniques and tools, such as precision planting, nutrient management, and weather monitoring systems, to help farmers optimize their crop yields and reduce costs. We will work on developing mobile and web-based applications that will provide farmers with easy access to market information, weather forecasts, and other relevant data that can help them make better-informed decisions.

In order to ensure that our solutions are accessible to all, we are committed to exploring cost-effective methods of manufacturing and distributing our products. This will involve forging partnerships with local manufacturers and distributors, as well as investigating alternative funding models like crowdsourcing and microfinance. Our goal is to empower farmers to access our products and services, regardless of their financial situation.

Q5. Can you give us a concrete example of Ensira's impact that has already borne fruit?  
Ensira has already had a significant impact on the agricultural sector in Ethiopia. One concrete example of this is the success of Omishtu Joy Agritech, a startup that was incubated at Ensira's small office. This startup has now grown into a multi-million birr company operating in Addis Ababa, providing innovative solutions for smallholder farmers.

Another example is Hearty PLC, an Agritech startup that was incubated at Ensira, which specializes in monitoring animal health using AI-enabled devices. The startup is now operating in different parts of the country, providing farmers with valuable insights into the health of their livestock. These are just a few examples of the many success stories that have emerged from Ensira's incubation program.

Ensira is helping to transform the agricultural sector in Ethiopia and create a more sustainable and resilient future for farmers and rural communities by equipping young entrepreneurs with the necessary resources. As a result of our incubation program, we have seen a number of successful startups emerge and grow.

We have seen a significant increase in the number of smallholder farmers who are adopting the technologies developed by our incubated startups, which is a clear indication of the impact our work is having on the agricultural sector. Our approach is not only helping to create new businesses, but it is also contributing to improve the livelihoods of farmers by increasing their productivity, skills and income. We have also received positive feedback from government agencies and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector, who are recognizing the potential of Ensira to contribute to the development of the sector.

Overall, we are proud of the impact that Ensira has already had and we are determined to continue working towards our goal of empowering young people and women to create sustainable agritech startups that will benefit the entire agricultural sector in Ethiopia. To continue our work and expand our impact, we need the support, which can come in the form of funding, mentorship, partnerships, and other resources, of organizations and individuals who share our mission and vision.

Q6. What do you think is the future of agriculture in Ethiopia ?  
The future of agriculture in Ethiopia is closely tied to the country's ability to adopt and integrate new technologies and innovations. In recent years, Ethiopia has made significant strides in modernizing its agricultural sector through initiatives such as mechanization, precision farming, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and other digital technologies.

However, there is still a long way to go in terms of fully realizing the potential of these technologies and innovations to boost productivity and profitability for farmers. One key area of focus for the future of agriculture in Ethiopia is increasing the adoption of precision farming techniques and tools, such as precision irrigation and crop monitoring systems. These technologies can help farmers optimize crop yields and reduce water and fertilizer use, ultimately leading to more sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.

Through the use of AI and other digital technologies, farmers can gain better insights into the condition of crops and soils so that they can make more informed decisions about planting, harvesting and management. Another important focus is the development of value chains and agribusinesses through agri-food processing and value addition. This will increase farmers' income and ensure that food is produced in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

The future of agriculture in Ethiopia is bright. As technology becomes more widespread, farmers have access to new tools and techniques that help them increase yields and reduce costs. The introduction of mobile phone services such as Safaricom (a technology and communication company) is also helping to increase the uptake of digital solutions in the agricultural sector. 

This allows farmers to access information and services that were previously unavailable to them, such as weather forecasts and market prices. In addition, the government is investing in infrastructure and support programmes to help farmers adopt new technologies and improve their productivity. These developments are contributing to create a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector in Ethiopia, which will be critical to meeting the food and nutrition needs of the rapidly growing population.