Aquaculture Europe 2022 AES2022

27/09/2022 - 30/09/2022

Aquaculture Europe 2022

FAO will host a Special Day with sessions about the “International Processes and their Implications to the European Aquaculture Industry”.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is engaged in global actions that aim at assisting its Member countries in developing sustainable food industries and securing the access of a healthy diet to all. The access to applied production innovations, appropriate governance and support policies along with economic and market forces play an important role in the current and future development of any specific food industry at the national, regional and global level. FAO, with its key mandate focused on food production, provides the global discussion and knowledge-sharing platform along with tools and guidelines that will enable countries to move the aquatic food production industries in producing and distributing their produce by ensuring that environmental, social and economic sustainability issue are fully and globally met. The FAO Special Day will focus on a number of relevant international processes and discuss their implications on the development of the European aquaculture sector.

Session 1 – The Global Processes on Sustainable Aquaculture: what does it mean to European stakeholders?

Presenters: Austin Stankus / Matthias Halwart Time: 10.30–12.30 (2 hrs.)

Session objective: Presentation of the outcomes of Global Conference on Aquaculture Millennium+20 including the Shanghai Declaration and regional review of European aquaculture, the FAO COFI Fisheries and Aquaculture Declaration, and the forthcoming Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture, providing an overview and highlighting their use to enhance institutional and intergovernmental cooperation for the advancement of European Aquaculture and its contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Session 2 – Genetic resources in aquaculture: managing them better

Presenters: Graham Mair / Daniela Lucente Time: 14.30–16.00 (1.5 hrs.)

Session objective: Present and seek feedback on the key issues in the current management of genetic resources in European aquaculture and to outline and discuss the role a Global Plan of Action and AquaGRIS, a new information system, can play in enhancing this management.

Session 3 – Markets for Aquaculture Products – Recent Changes and Trends

Presenter: Mariana Toussaint Time: 16.00–16.45 (45 mins.)

Session objective: To present the main changes in recent years and some trends regarding the markets for aquaculture products at regional and global levels. Aspects associated with consumer tastes, product information, sustainability market requirements, among others, will also be analyzed.

Session 4 – Small in scale, big in value: Celebrating the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture

Presenters: Alessandro Lovatelli / Austin Stankus Time: 16.45–17.30 (45 mins.)

Session objective: Draw attention to International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022), present the Global Action Plan and share communication material to inspire action from European states attending AE2022 and participants.

For information contact: Alessandro Lovatelli Aquaculture Officer – FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division Email: [email protected]

GLOBEFISH will have a booth (#149) at the exhibition. Come visit us!
