3rd International Ornamental Fish Trade and Technical Conference - 25-26 February


Global trade in ornamental fish has become a multi-billion dollar industry, with the entire value of the industry inclusive of retail sales, associated materials, wages and non-exported product being estimated at around US$15 - 30 billion per year. Some 55% of the global market supplies originate from Asia, where the sector contributes significantly to the national economies of the countries involved. 

Of added importance is the fact that the harvest of fresh and marine ornamental fish provides income to many people in developing areas of the world, which makes the sustainable harvest and culture of ornamental fishes a priority. 

Against this background, INFOFISH in collaboration with ORNAMENTAL FISH INTERNATIONAL is pleased to announce that the 3rd International Ornamental Fish Trade and Technical Conference is scheduled to be held on the 25th-26th February 2021. With the Conference theme: SUSTAINABILITY AND THE FUTURE OF THE ORNAMENTAL FISH INDUSTRY, participants will have the opportunity to interact (virtually) in several sessions on trade and markets, market access and barriers, farming and fish health, as well as marine ornamental fish breeding and rearing. The major pillar underpinning these discussions will be sustainability, in recognition of its importance for the future of the industry. 

This will be the first ever virtual Conference organized for the ornamental fish industry. The organizers are mindful of the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had amongst industries across the globe, and thus the decision to organize the event virtually was done in the best interests of all parties concerned. 

As you register your interest to participate in the Conference, do take advantage of our promotional and sponsorship packages to increase your business visibility in a field where competition is intense. Regular updates and registration details will be made available on the conference website; http://www.ornamentalfish.infofish.org/ and on our social media platforms. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to having you with us at the 3rd International Ornamental Fish Trade and Technical Conference 

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