SponGES Policy Briefs


Developed by FAO and in collaboration with the H2020 SponGES project partners, the following six policy briefs focusing on deep-sea sponges are now available online. 

Download PDFs : 

       1. FAO. 2021. SponGES Policy Brief: Threats and impacts on sponge grounds. 

       2. FAO. 2021. SponGES Policy Brief: The ecological value of deep-sea sponges.

       3. FAO. 2020. SponGES Policy Brief: The economic value of deep-sea sponges.

       4. FAO. 2021. SponGES Policy Brief: The social and cultural value of deep-sea sponges. 

       5. FAO. 2020. SponGES Policy Brief: Databases and models: new tools for management.

       6. FAO. 2020. SponGES Policy Brief: Deep-sea sponges: Biotechnology and the Blue Economy. 


