Learning by sharing: FishAdapt to provide a knowledge sharing platform on climate change adaptation in the fisheries and aquaculture sector


A global conference will have practitioners sharing experiences and research on climate change adaptation in fisheries and aquaculture dependent communities.

Visit the FishAdapt Conference website to learn more, to register and to submit a paper abstract or propose a special session!

Practitioners are coming together for FishAdapt, an upcoming global conference on climate change adaptation for the fisheries and aquaculture sector. The conference will be held from 8 to 10 August 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.

FishAdapt will provide participants the opportunity to share real-life experiences and practical research relating to identifying and addressing the vulnerabilities associated with climate change. Most importantly, the conference will exchange lessons learned on how to identify, prioritize and implement adaptation and disaster risk management actions within the fisheries and aquaculture sector, particularly in dependent rural communities.

Worldwide, about 600 million people depend on fisheries and aquaculture as a primary source of livelihood. In terms of nutrition, 400 million people in the poorest countries receive more than half of their protein and minerals in their diets from fish. Within trade, it is estimated that the fishery sector contributes more than USD 136.1 billion to the global economy, with fish providing up to half of global animal protein exports in value terms. With these figures, it is easy to see that the fisheries and aquaculture sector is a crucial resource in terms of ensuring food and nutrition security. However, we know that it is also a vulnerable resource and sector, indeed perhaps more so than other food production systems due to its close relation and multifaceted interaction with climate change effects and underlying risks the sector already faces.

A 2016 FAO book titled Climate change and food security: risks and responses examines some of these issues within fisheries and aquaculture and the food system as a whole. The book is a collection of findings by scientists who have taken stock of climate change impacts on food and the agriculture sectors (agriculture, forestry and fisheries) at global and regional levels over the past two decades and into the future. The evidence presented describes how global warming will impact how food is produced and discusses the significant consequences for food security, health and nutrition, water scarcity, global food trade and the urgent need for adaptation.

How can the fisheries and aquaculture sector be supported in terms of strengthening its adaption and resilience to climate change? Over three days, FishAdapt, will address this complicated question through a series of panels and presentations, interactive workshop events and discussion spaces. The conference will provide the opportunity to compare applied vulnerability assessments as well as practical case studies focusing on real-life fisheries and aquaculture-dependent community impacts.

FishAdapt is primarily funded by Japan, Norway, Thailand and the United States, with the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) as the local organizing partner along with many partners, including the FAO, from around the globe.



FishAdapt Conference 
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Climate change webpage
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


Climate change and food security: risks and responses
Climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture: overview of current scientific knowledge
Assessing climate change vulnerability in fisheries and aquaculture
Climate Change Adaptation in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Integrating climate change into fisheries and aquaculture investments


Fisheries and Aquaculture in Our Changing Climate
FAO trategy for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Climate Change - Framework and aims 2011-16
Building adaptive capacity to climate change


Climate Change Effects on Fisheries
