
24 September 2020 - The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2020 (SOCO 2020) aims to discuss policies and mechanisms that promote sustainable outcomes – economic, social and environmental – in agricultural and food markets, both global and domestic. The analysis is organized along the ...
08 September 2020 - The Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) is a global multi-stakeholder partnership that seeks to increase transparency and participation in fisheries governance for the benefit of a more sustainable management of marine fisheries. The complexity of the fisheries sector – characterised by often long supply ...
28 August 2020 - With the changing ecosystem, fisheries management and marine conservation is important to promote sustainability in the fisheries industry. The 3rd Tuna Webinar Series will focus on certification and technology in the tuna industry with the topics highlighting updates and importance of seafood ...
21 August 2020 - Los problemas sociales se han convertido en una gran preocupación en la pesca, principalmente respecto a los casos de abusos de los derechos humanos y laborales, donde se han localizados en las diferentes fases de la cadena de valor pesquera. Además, la situación actual ...
21 August 2020 -    El Embajador Peter Thomson, enviado especial del Secretario General de la ONU para los Océanos, dará el discurso de apertura en el evento “INFOFISH TUNA 2021 Virtual Prelude” el 14 de octubre de 2020. Ya está todo pronto para que en ...

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