
Consumption of seafood is low in Europe at present, which is expected for this time of year. However, preparations for Chinese New Year mean strong demand from China, and this has prevented prices in Europe from falling too far. Restaurants were open in France during the end of year season in spite of the current COVID-19 resurgence, but increasingly the Omicron threat has seen restrictions reimposed in the restaurant industry. New measures are being introduced in...
Prices of the majority of wild-caught species have risen, reflecting strong demand and high fuel prices. Prices of some species, such as cephalopods, are increasingly out of reach for the average customer. Groundfish is in short supply, especially cod and hake. Alaska pollack availability is being affected by problems between the Russian Federation and China, leading to lower fillets arrivals for the European market, and widespread price hikes. Aquaculture products are generally following the same upward...
The fourth wave of COVID-19 is currently hitting Europe, particularly in the northern part of the continent. The enthusiasm that characterized the summer months, leading to strong demand growth, has been somewhat dampened. In many countries there is still uncertainty as to whether the Christmas festivities will again take place under lockdown, or if people will be free to move around and visit restaurants and ski resorts. Despite this shift in the market sentiment, demand...
3rd issue 2021, with January- March 2021 Statistics. The publication contains a detailed quarterly update on market trends for a variety of major commodities, as well as analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the main produced species. Combining the price information collected for the European Price Report with other market survey data collected by FAO GLOBEFISH, the report provides a detailed update on market trends for a variety of major commodities. Key market data...
Purchasing in anticipation of the Christmas season is already in full swing, prompted by widespread concern over potential delays due to various logistical issues. Prices are rising rapidly on the back of tight supply generally and an improved demand outlook for the upcoming festive season, which will see a welcome return to dining out. Higher fuel prices in addition to the high cost of containers are additional contributors to widespread price gains. For some seafood...
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