
This report provides an analysis of the tuna production and trade of the Maldives. The main fisheries of the Maldives are examined, with specific consideration for their defining characteristics and changes over time. The analysis is then extended to trade, more precisely trends in price, volume and processing across main commodities exported by the Maldives. Further characterization of the import profiles of established markets and identification of areas with export potential for tuna are also...
The FAO GLOBEFISH Chinese Fish Price Report, based on information supplied by industry correspondents, aims to provide guidance on broad price trends. In the last years, China remained the top fish producer in the world with strong linkages with this historical evolution growth of aquaculture vis-à-vis wild capture fisheries. In addition, China is a country where international trade plays a significant role in fish and fish products. The Chinese Fish Price Report fills an existing gap...
The classification of products is a key element in international trade. The Harmonized System (HS) of the World Customs Organization (WCO) provides an internationally recognised system of product classification. It is used for many purposes, including import duties, rules of origin, freight documents and statistics. Fish is often one of the most complex commodities to classify, with several specificities. There is a multiplicity of phyla, species, and treatments, which create an intricate set of different layers...
This report is an update of the status of the global seaweed market: production figures from culture and capture, the size of the international market for seaweed and its commercially important extracts, the leading nations by region, developments in processing and utilization technology, and innovations in the industry, as well as the challenges and outlook for the industry. As it is not possible to feature all individual countries of importance in the seaweed sector, several have been selected as being representative...
El informe presenta los precios mensuales de aproximadamente 600 productos pesqueros y panorama general de las principales tendencias del mercado Europeo, registrados por una extensa red de corresponsales. Diciembre 2017. Resumen: La época navideña se caracteriza por la alta demanda de productos del mar debido a que son unas fechas que su consumo se dispara. Existen dos categorías de productos más populares: por un lado, productos tradicionales como la carpa y el bacalao curado y por el...

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