
The situation in the European market continues to be difficult. The high inflation, decrease in product availability due to high energy cost and the war in Europe are all impacting trade. In addition the EUR is now lower than the USD. The result of these factors is a perfect storm. Extremely high energy costs for consumers are limiting purchasing power with reduced demand for seafood and restaurant consumption.
The 35th session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries ended on 9 September. It was a hybrid event attended by 850 delegates. Among the key outcomes were the endorsement of a new COFI Sub-Committee of Fisheries Management, the endorsement of the new Voluntary Guidelines for Transhipment, the support for global aquaculture development and calls for the completion of the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture.
2nd issue 2022, with January-December 2021 Statistics. The publication contains a detailed quarterly update on market trends for a variety of major commodities, as well as analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the main produced species. Combining the price information collected for the European Price Report with other market survey data collected by FAO GLOBEFISH, the report provides a detailed update on market trends for a variety of major commodities. Key market data is...
Inflation in France reached 6.1 percent in July 2022 year-on-year according to the French statistics institution (INSEE). This continues a trend which saw 5.8 percent inflation recorded in June, 5.2 percent inflation in May and 4.8 percent inflation in April. Increased cost of energy is again the main contributor to inflationary pressures, at 12.3 percent, although this represents a significant decline relative to June (33.1 percent).
The FAO GLOBEFISH Chinese Fish Price Report, based on information supplied by industry correspondents, aims to provide guidance on broad price trends. In the last years, China remained the top fish producer in the world with strong linkages with this historical evolution growth of aquaculture vis-à-vis wild capture fisheries. In addition, China is a country where international trade plays a significant role in fish and fish products. The Chinese Fish Price Report fills an existing gap...
