
提供全球范围内主要鱼品的价格、生产、加工、进出口的最新统计信息。这些统计信息均由FAO国际渔业贸易信息中心——GLOBEFISH整理;其数据来源为GLOBEFISH信息报告员、欧洲市场价格报告、GLOBEFISH渔业要闻、INFOFISH贸易新闻、FAO FISHDAB以及EUROSTAT等。
This publication is intended to complement and inform the International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks, developed in 1998 to address concerns over possible negative effects of increased shark catches on vulnerable shark populations. It is also intended as a part complement to, and part continuation of, Shark Utilization, Marketing and Trade (FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 389), published in 1999. Much of that paper remains valid, e.g. the information on product utilization...
The document shows that there has been a major success in the World Trade Organization (WTO) with the addition of 31 new members. This has contributed to lower tariffs for seafood trade. Among the founding members of the WTO, many have considerable "water in the tariffs" and the legal option of raising their most-favoured nation (MFN) applied tariffs. The analysis shows that most countries have not used this option; there has been no protectionist backlash for...
This technical paper compiles the state of knowledge on seafood safety and quality with the aim to provide a succinct yet comprehensive resource book to seafood quality and safety managers, including topics on emerging issues such as new pathogens, the impact of climate change on seafood safety, and the changing regulatory framework. After introductory chapters about world fish production, trade, consumption and nutrition, and about the developments in safety and quality systems, the technical paper devotes...
