
The inflation rate in the Euro Area declined to 2.4 percent year-on-year in November 2023, reaching its lowest level since July 2021, this rate compares to 2.9 percent in October and 4.3 percent in September. In this European Fish Price Report, 55 percent of the prices were stable compared with November 2023, 22 percent went up and 23 percent went down. Read more in the full report
Current forecasts point to a slowdown in global fish supply in 2023, with total production increasing by just 0.6 percent on 2022 levels to 185.4 million tonnes. While aquaculture output is expected to rise by around 3 percent, this is significantly lower than the previous growth rate of the sector. Capture fisheries meanwhile have been constrained by weather events and reduced quotas and are expected to decline by some 1.7 percent or 1.5 million tonnes...
所有欧洲主要国家的通胀率均在下降。欧元区 8 月年通胀 率为 5.2%,9 月回落至 4.3%。欧盟 8 月年通胀率为 5.9%, 9 月为 4.9%。年通胀率最低的国家是荷兰(-0.3%)、丹 麦( 0.6%)和比利时( 0.7%),最高的国家是匈牙利 (12.2%)和罗马尼亚(9.2%)。在本期《欧洲水产品价 格报告》中,与 2023 年 9 月相比,46%的水产品价格保持 稳定,22%上涨,27%下跌。 
欧洲水产品价格报告 -2023年7月
The FAO GLOBEFISH Chinese Fish Price Report, based on information supplied by industry correspondents, aims to provide guidance on broad price trends. In the last years, China remained the top fish producer in the world with strong linkages with this historical evolution growth of aquaculture vis-à-vis wild capture fisheries. In addition, China is a country where international trade plays a significant role in fish and fish products. The Chinese Fish Price Report fills an existing gap...
