Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture (GSA)


The proposed roadmap for the development of the GSA could include the following steps and tentative deadlines (note that this timeline may be delayed and or adapted due to COVID-19):


  1. Second Expert Consultation to review the first draft of the GSA (October 2021)
  2. Submit the advanced draft of the GSA to the 11th session of the Sub-Committee for its review and comment and seek the Sub-Committee advice on the next steps to take towards the completion and eventual approval of the GSA (May 2022)
  3. Organize a Technical Consultation with Members (subject to Members’ request) to review and approve the draft GSA (October 2022)
  4. Submit the approved draft of the GSA the 12th session of COFI-SCA for endorsement (March 2023)
  5. Launch the GSA umbrella program to support the implementation of the GSA at the national level (June 2023)
  6. Submit the endorsed  GSA to COFI 36 for endorsement ( 2024)
  7. Publish the Guidelines (2024)