
Corresponds to the proposed methodology of the tool and the experience of LAP in Latin America and particularly Central America.

Module 1: Proposed Methodology and Experience of LAPs in Latin America

Change theory

LAPs have included a broad range of thematic areas and intervention levels according to the country and project phase (see Experience of LAPs in Latin America). These activities include the strengthening and development of the national legal and political framework, the strengthening of LAIs and subnational entities, the regularization of individual and collective ownership and in some cases the demarcation of protected areas or collected land and the recognition of the land rights of Indigenous Communities and Territories (ICT).

The general methodology of the tool is inspired by change theory or the Grassroots Development Framework, developed by the Interamerican Foundation, which identifies “tangible and intangible results at three levels: individual and family, organizations and communities or society in general”. The objectives, activities, results and main impacts expected of LAPs have thus been identified according to the intervention level. While some actions generate national effects, others focus on benefiting a more limited number of households.

The definition of results at different levels also allowed for the identification of external factors of the project that are likely to increase or reduce the expected impacts and develop results frameworks that include indicators, assumptions and means of verification for each intervention level.

Results and impacts chain

A chain of results and impacts of LAPs is proposed, inspired by change theory, which helps to visualize the objectives and activities of LAPs, as well as the products, results and impacts of the intervention. This results and impacts chain served as a base for creating the results frameworks for each module. This chain could be visualized more simply as follows:

View the results and impacts chain

View the results and impacts chain

It should be noted that although the results are presented horizontally here, the results framework of each module is presented vertically following the cause and effect logic described above.

World Bank Global Indicators

Based on the results and impacts chain, this tool has developed results frameworks and fact sheets incorporating some of the World Bank Global Indicators1 to evaluate Land Administration Programmes:

  1. The target population has strengthened its property or usufruct rights (number).
  2. Parcels with property or usufruct rights whose details have been officially registered as a result of the project intervention (number). i) Number of parcels with property or usufruct rights whose details have been registered to women.
  3. Surface area of land with property or usufruct rights whose details have been officially registered as a result of the project intervention (ha).
  4. Average number of days needed to register a transaction in the property information system (number). i) Average number of days needed to register an urban land transaction in the property information system (number). ii) Average number of days needed to register a rural land transaction in the property information system (number).


1 World Bank, Core Indicators.