

The Module 2 corresponds to the first level of intervention of LAPs, i.e. national land administration institutions within which LAPs seek to promote more efficient, better quality services.

Module 2: National Land Administration Institutions (LAI)

Contents of the fact sheets

The evaluation processes aimed at the key indicators of improved efficiency and effectiveness of LAIs, as well as accessibility and satisfaction of the users of these systems, can be guided by fact sheets.

The various fact sheets contained in this module are summarized below.

Table 2: Fact sheets for LAI evaluation

Fact Sheets

Related Indicators

Contents of Sheet


Analysis of the cost and time of registration procedures.

Reduction in time per service.

Reduction in cost per service.

User satisfaction.

Measures the functionality of registration procedures, and the reduction in time and cost of the service.


Registration Mobility Index.

Registration culture strengthened.

More active land market (M4).

Evaluates the mobility of the various transactions in cadastral and registration bases.


Analysis of institutional financial sustainability.

Income, volume of procedures.

Relation between income and operating costs.

Procedures for identifying expenses/income and their relation in LAIs.


Regularization, clearing and titling.

Fair regularization process implemented.

Greater percentage of territory covered by LAIs.

Regularization process implemented.

Procedures for monitoring trends in the number of registration transactions carried out.


Cost and time of cadastral mapping.

Financial sustainability at institutional level.

Cadastral mapping and updating.

Procedures for evaluating the costs of cadastral mapping according to different implementation models.


Quality control of cadastral mapping.

Security and legal certainty.

Greater percentage of territory covered by LAIs

Cadastral mapping and updating.

Methods for monitoring the quality of cadastral mapping.


Monitoring of land tenure disputes.

Increase in the percentage of disputes managed and resolved.

System for monitoring management and resolution of tenure disputes.


Operation of cadastre-register linking systems.

Cadastre-register integration system.

Reliable information on property.

Greater efficiency of staff.

Qualitative methods of evaluating the organization, functionality and reliability of cadastre-register linking systems.