

The Module 2 corresponds to the first level of intervention of LAPs, i.e. national land administration institutions within which LAPs seek to promote more efficient, better quality services.

Module 2: National Land Administration Institutions (LAI)

Evaluation methods

According to the indicators established in the results framework for LAIs, the evaluation method consists of seven stages:

  1. Identification of the indicators and subindicators to be evaluated
  2. Identification of the points in the project cycle when evaluation exercises should be done
  3. Identification of primary and secondary information sources necessary for the evaluation
  4. Design of evaluation methods
  5. Creation and application of instruments for information collection
  6. Analysis of collected information
  7. Generation of reports

According to the scope of the indicator or subindicator to be evaluated, different methodological approaches should be used depending on whether the results are quantitative or qualitative:

Quantitative methodologies

Indicators and subindicators evaluated by quantitative methodologies:

  • Unit cost of land administration services produced and provided to the public.
  • Time it takes to process a large-scale rural titling application on request.
  • Registration mobility index, corresponding to the average number of transactions carried out per property, over a fixed period of time.
  • Comparative costs of cadastral mapping by direct administration and outsourcing.
  • Financial sustainability of LAIs.
  • Dispute resolution, number of cases dealt with.

To obtain these indicators using quantitative methods, the corresponding fact sheets propose various calculation methods (economic and financial) and statistical analysis techniques aimed at isolating the effect of the project on the results obtained. There is no single solution for this; the methodological options will depend essentially on the quantity and quality of the available data. Remember that the methodology should be designed with the aid of experts in the field. The guide, at household level, presents the various methodological options in relation to the design for evaluation of experimental, quasi-experimental and non-experimental impact. The World Bank 2007 publication on impact evaluation is also a useful reference. See Impact Evaluation for Land Property Rights Reform.

Qualitative methodologies

Indicators and subindicators evaluated by qualitative methodologies:

  • Quality control of cadastre-register linking systems.
  • Quality control of cadastral survey products.
  • Dispute resolution, processes applied.
  • Regularization, clearing and titling.

To obtain these indicators using qualitative methods, the corresponding fact sheets propose various alternatives such as interviews with open questions or questionnaires with closed or variable questions which can be evaluated by an expert using a Likert scale. The responses can be analysed using simple statistical methods (averages, frequencies, standard deviations, etc.) or also by more complex processing which might require the technical aid of an expert.