

The Module 2 corresponds to the first level of intervention of LAPs, i.e. national land administration institutions within which LAPs seek to promote more efficient, better quality services.

Module 2: National Land Administration Institutions (LAI)

The various indicators used for LAPs

During the design phase of LAPs, the following indicators have been identified and selected at the following levels, according to the LAI results framework.

Impact indicators

At the end of the programme or after the implementation of each project phase: they allow the measurement of changes in the situation of project beneficiaries and more generally in society according to the aims set. The measurement of these indicators necessarily requires a baseline to be established.

Indicators related to key results or the Project Development Objective (PDO)

This must be established and stated officially in funding agreements between cooperation agencies and the government. These bodies seek to measure the expected effects of the interaction between the various components of LAPs at each implementation stage. In the majority of cases these indicators require baseline values to be established.

Results indicators

These indicators show the level at which expected key results for each of the project components have been obtained. These indicators require frequent monitoring along with generally external evaluations, carried out at different times during the project: annually, in the medium term and at the end of the project cycle. They allow evaluation of how far the goals set have been achieved.

Management indicators or products

These are generally key products expected from the implementation of each subcomponent directly linked to the achievement of the proposed results.