

The Module 2 corresponds to the first level of intervention of LAPs, i.e. national land administration institutions within which LAPs seek to promote more efficient, better quality services.

Module 2: National Land Administration Institutions (LAI)

Information sources for evaluation

The information collection sources for carrying out the evaluation exercises proposed in the fact sheets in this module are the following:

Primary sources

  • Interviews with service users, members of the institutions and other key players chosen according to the purpose of the proposed evaluation.
  • Surveys of beneficiaries of RCT processes and users of services developed according to the aim of the proposed evaluation.
  • Workshops, round tables, focus groups with users, specialist users or institution staff.

Secondary sources

  • Databases (cadastral mapping, tenure regularization processes, socioeconomic studies, etc.).
  • Institutional reports and accounts.
  • Tenure information system reports (registers, cadastre, linked systems, etc.).
  • Specialist studies – External consultation reports.
  • IT, technical, financial and operational audits.

Guides and other instruments

  • Guides and instruments for classifying primary and secondary information.
  • Information and monitoring system combining primary and secondary information.

Related fact sheets and proposed information sources

A guide is given below to the most relevant information sources that can be used in evaluations of LAIs, depending on the expected scope, time and type of players.

Instruments accessible from the fact sheets

Instruments accessible from the fact sheets





Analysis of the cost and time of registration procedures

Analysis of internal working time per type of procedure.

Analysis of cost of internal procedures.

User perception.


  • Institutional management reports
  • Reports on evaluation of staff performance
  • IT system reports
  • Interviews with staff and users
  • Focus group with qualified users


Registration Mobility Index

Monitoring of the average number of procedures per registration.


Analysis of institutional financial sustainability

Income generated, volume of procedures.

Covering operating costs.

Carry out an analysis of the sustainability of LAIs.

Assessing the results of the actions and investments promoted through LAPs.


Regularization, clearing and titling

Fair tenure regularization process implemented.

Present some of the options that can be used to determine, at different points in the project cycle, the efficiency and effectiveness of regularization, clearing and/or titling processes (RCT). These processes are carried out by the various LAIs through investment by LAPs.


Cost and time of cadastral mapping

Financial sustainability at systemic and institutional level.

Cadastral mapping and updating.

Evaluation of the efficiency of Cadastral Mapping Costs (CMC) for a comparison of direct administration models, carried out directly by the cadastral institution with human, technological and financial resources provided by the project, with the outsourced model which involves contracting specialist national or international firms.


Quality control of cadastral mapping

Security and legal certainty

Greater percentage of territory covered by Land Administration Institutions (LAI).

Cadastral mapping and updating.

Evaluate the efficiency and quality of quality control processes of cadastral mapping, an activity carried out by direct administration (institutions) or by outsourcing (contracting companies).


Monitoring of land tenure disputes

Increase in the percentage of disputes managed and resolved

Establish a system for recording disputes identified at different times during the setting up of the cadastre and report progress in resolving them.


Operation of cadastre-register linking systems

Reduce the time and cost of transaction procedures or services

Provide reliable information on properties

Increase the efficiency of LAS staff

Analyse the operationality and reliability of cadastre-register linking systems by evaluating the following:

  • Implementation and level of adoption
  • System infrastructure
  • Sustainability schemes
  • Work organization
  • System architecture