
The module 3 corresponds to the level of intervention of subnational entities, i.e. Municipal Districts and Indigenous Communities and Territories (ICT) where LAPs seek to promote multipurpose land administration systems.

Module 3: LAPs and Subnational Entities

Stages in the evaluation system at municipality level

The system for the evaluation of LAP effects at municipality level should be carried out at various times in the project cycle:

1. Before starting project activities
The following must be done before municipal strengthening activities are carried out by LAPs:

  1. Collection of information on municipal territory (see the fact sheet Categorization of the municipal setting).
  2. Identification of needs as regards strengthening to focus promotion by the LAP with respect to products of interest in each municipality and to establish specific work plans and agreements (see fact sheet on Diagnosis of the capabilities of municipal governments).
  3. Joint establishing of timetables and budgets for capacity building processes.

1. During project implementation
Monitoring during project implementation is key to obtaining good results. This requires establishing the frequency and formats of advance reports in relation to results framework indicators. These reports should not be used as evaluation tools of local governments but as decision-making tools adapted to project implementation.
The improvement in the land administration capabilities of municipal governments should be monitored constantly and should include, in addition to periodic monitoring reports, an annual analysis of planning and an operational strategy review for the following year.

2. In the medium term
It is advisable, in the medium term, to measures results and impacts by using instruments created for the baseline. At this stage, special attention should be paid to advances in terms of cadastral updating, implementation of titling programmes, territorial planning, dispute resolution, increasing tax collection and linking to the national system.
The majority of monitoring indicators can be considered in the medium-term evaluation. It is recommended that this be done by external specialists.

3. Evaluation
Final evaluations, both ex post and medium term, form part of the formal cycle of projects and should be validated by experts external to LAP implementation units. They are carried out with the aim of determining project impacts, providing accountability to citizens and preparing and designing the next stage of the project and investments. The increase in local governance capabilities by land administration capacity building is also a key feature of these evaluations.
Beneficiary satisfaction studies are particularly relevant at this point in the evaluation, especially in those population sectors which had been identified as direct beneficiaries of the projects.