Learning About Indigenous and Afro-descendant Territories: A Forum for Reflecting and Enhancing Knowledge


In an endeavor to deepen understanding and foster new insights regarding land tenure rights of indigenous and Afro-descendant territories in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Land Coalition, and The Tenure Facility are collaborating to organize a series of thematic virtual seminars. This forum, tailored for ethnic organizations, government institutions, and cooperative agencies, is set to commence on July 5 and will extend until September.

The series will initiate with an introductory session on July 5 that will delve into the history of these communities' land regularization processes within the region. Following that, thematic sessions, featuring collaborative work, will unfold according to the subsequent schedule: 

- July 18: Delimitation of indigenous and Afro-descendant territories within the scope of multi-purpose cadastre and systematic regularization. 

- August 2: Harnessing technology and information systems to bolster participatory processes of territorial delimitation and recognition. 

- August 23: Various methods of formalizing and acknowledging collective land tenure rights.

- September 6: Governance and territorial intercultural competency for managing land tenure rights and natural resources. 

This series presents a valuable opportunity to learn, share, and collaborate with colleagues from diverse countries within Latin America and the Caribbean, aiming to reinforce land administration systems and territorial rights. More detailed information about the event and its unique aspects can be found on this website.

Those interested in participating are encouraged to register here.
