Improve Agricultural Monitoring Systems through Satellite Imagery for Iran

Component 4

Capacity development through transfer of relevant methods and good practices

The project will provide the Iranian institutions at national and provincial level with technical support in Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies, creating area frames and generating agricultural statistics for crop assessment monitoring. Teaching skills will be developed and technical certification through MJA will be also provided.

The training and capacity development strategy will:

  • Provide customized training on agricultural monitoring and statistical generation based on geospatial information and technology
  • Develop the national Training of Trainers capacity to extend the project activities and to disseminate the project results at local level
  • Undertake training on agricultural monitoring and statistical generation with a focus on area and yield estimation
  • Deliver guidelines and training materials
  • Generate and customise e-learning modules on geospatial information for agricultural monitoring and agricultural yield estimation and statistics
  • Support the wider dissemination of training results

A customized training programme, Training of Trainers and comprehensive materials will help staff to use geospatial technology, share good practices for policy formulation and adaptation planning in the agriculture sector.
The project will incorporate on the-job-training and training of trainers at departmental/divisional level, increasing the capacity of staff at all levels.  

To ensure that the monitoring activities and the results of the project are sustainable, learning and resource materials, in the form of e-learning on ‘Geospatial information and technology for agriculture monitoring and statistics generation’ will be produced. The project will benefit from the wide range of learning modules developed by FAO projects that support agricultural crop monitoring in Pakistan and the EU-funded Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture (SIGMA) programme.
In addition, the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture (MJA) and other Government Institutions that work in the agriculture sector will contribute to the existing curriculum developed by FAO, adding updated content based on the Iranian experience.

The project will also encourage partnerships and lead to an exchange of knowledge, technology, experiences and good practices, with other institutions.