Incentives for Ecosystem Services

COP 13 Bioversity side event

In support of CBD Aichi Targets 3 and 13, development of incentives applied to agricultural biodiversity has been undertaken across a number of countries. Such incentive mechanisms aim to facilitate the conservation of agrobiodiversity-related ecosystem services, while also supporting indigenous farmer livelihoods and existing community institutions of collective action.

Research is on-going to understand how multiple incentives can be used to support smallholder farmers in sustainable agricultural production to conserve genetic diversity, maintain ecosystem services provision and benefit livelihoods, and the policy support required to enable the implementation of such an integrated approach

Such work has been carried out with support from the FAO's Incentives for Ecosystem Services Project and in collaboration with national partners in Peru (Ministry of Environment and Puno Regional Government) and Mexico (CONABIO).

Detailed information

Side event #2254

Thursday 15 December 2016 @ 13:15
Multi-purpose Room, Universal Building, 2nd Floor

This side event presented findings, along with the tools developed for the realization of the project from Bioversity International's research, in collaboration with FAO's Incentives for Ecosystem Services project, to inform decision-makers involved with national biodiversity strategic action plan development and supporting broader uptake of such work in 2017 in Peru, Mexico and beyond.

Download the agenda here.

 Download the presentation here.