Incentives for Ecosystem Services

Workshop to Mainstream Agrobiodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Agriculture


A workshop to mainstream agrobiodiversity and ecosystem services in agriculture was held in Naivasha, Kenya 18-21 March 2018.

The workshop aimed to develop an understanding of policy needs for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into agriculture. This included identification of existing initiatives and interventions, key gaps and challenges, the use of incentives, and how to optimize existing enabling frameworks, such as National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and (Agriculture Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy) ASTGS, to secure biodiversity and ecosystem services for agriculture in Kenya.

Experiences and case studies were shared to highlight examples of mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services in agriculture at policy and field level, specifically the use of incentives to overcome adoption barriers. Recommendations for institutional and monitoring frameworks were made.

Further information on mainstreaming biodiversity for food and agriculture can be found in FAO's publication, Biodiversity for Sustainable Agriculture.