Farm structures in tropical climates

L. P. Bengtsson, J. H. Whitaker
Document Type
Publication (book)
(if not FAO)
Series Number
2. Ed.
cereals and grains
Agriculture In General, Postharvest systems management, Storage protection and postharvest physiology, Training opportunities
A growing awareness of the need for better farm structures has in recent years occurred in many developing countries. So far, farm buildings and structures have, in many countries, been built either, on a traditional basis without much improvement, or in an inadequate and often too expensive way, guided by people without appropriate knowledge of the special technical, biological and economic problems involved. Therefore in 1979, the FAO/SIDA Cooperative Programme: Rural Structures in East and South East Africa was established, with the objective to provide assistance to member countries in the development of functional, low-cost rural structures using a maximum of locally available building materials and skills. To achieve its objective two regional six-months courses on farm structures were conducted by the Programme in Nairobi to cater for the immediate requirements of Farm Building Specialists. Since then many universities, colleges and institutes have come up with plans or activities aimed to expand the teaching in farm buildings. It seems logical to include this subject within the department of Agricultural Engineering because of the agricultural knowledge required, however, clear links with the Extension Service are also needed to spread understanding and skills to artisans and farmers. Farm buildings and structures are now important parts of an integrated rural development, for instance, about two thirds of the food grain produced in Africa is kept on the farm; this makes it particularly important to develop methods and structures for effective storage, especially for the new high yielding grain varieties which are more susceptible to pests than the traditional types.