
This section provides access to documents covering the many post-harvest activities associated with agricultural commodities. 

The intention of this Guide is to explain basic concepts of agricultural marketing costs and marketing margins. It identifies the main types of marketing costs, provides brief advice on how to calculate them and discusses the interpretation of marketing margins. [...]
Series 1993 A.W.Shepherd (English) Download document
En esta guia se explica brevemente lo que se entiende por costo de comercializacion, y la forma de calcularlo; se discuten tambien los margenes de comercializacion. Sera especialmente util para los extensionistas y funcionarios encargados de la comercializacion cuyo asesoramiento [...]
Series 1993 A.W. Shepherd (Spanish) Download document
Ce Guide devrait etre particulierement utile aux responsables de la commercialisation et aux agents de vulgarisation qui sont appeles, dans le cadre de leurs fonctions, a conseiller les agriculteurs en matiere de commercialisation et de prix. Il serait souhaitable qu'il [...]
Series 1993 A.W.Shepherd (French) Download document
The present publication focuses attention on this diversity of the date crop, the date derived products and palm products in particular, and can be seen as a continuation and elaboration of two earlier FAO books by the late V.H.W. Dowson: [...]
Series 1993 W.H. Barreveld (English) Download document
The current edition provides expanded information on the chemical composition of maize, including the makeup of maize protein and dietary fibre, on grain quality and storage and on the effects of lime-cooking of maize and the manufacture of foods such [...]
Publication (book) 1993 N.A. (English) Download document