
This section provides access to documents covering the many post-harvest activities associated with agricultural commodities. 

This document takes the form of a series of monograph" covering twenty three minor edible oil crops and is the result of a desk study carried out in the UK. Some 800 references have been consulted and library/data base searches [...]
Publication (book) 1992 B.L. Axtell, R.M. Fairman (English) Download document
Bien que ces vegetaux aient ete pendant des siecles a la base de l'alimentation dans de nombreux pays en developpement, ils ont ete jusqu'a une periode recente plutot negliges par la majorite des instituts de recherche et des services de [...]
Publication (book) 1991 N.A. (French) Download document
If farmers are to increase production, more attention needs to be paid to the fact that their output must be marketed at a rewarding price. Commercialization of the small farm sector requires the development of market-orientated production, as opposed to [...]
Publication (book) 1991 N.A. (English) Download document
El presente folleto parte de la serie:.'Tecnoiogia Postcosecha', publicacion de la Oficina Regional de la FAO para America Latina y el Caribe, que trata diversos temas relacionados con las tecndogias y procedimientos utilizados en la cosecha, beneficio y almacenamiento de [...]
Publication (book) 1991 V. A. Dalpasquale et al. (Spanish) Download document
El presente folleto forma parte de la serie: "Tecnologia Postcosecha", publicacion de la Oficina Regional de la FAO para America Latina y el Caribe, que trata diversos temas relacionados con las tecnologias y procedimientos utilizados en la cosecha, beneficio y [...]
Publication (book) 1991 J.A. Marques Pereira, D.M. de Queiroz (Spanish) Download document