
This section provides access to documents covering the many post-harvest activities associated with agricultural commodities. 

Technical Guide for Eritrean Growers of Harvesting, Curing and Storing of Onions. A summary of procedures for growers to improve post harvest practices.
Training Document 2004 Andrea Bellincontro, Danilo Mejia (English) Download document
This fumigation guide has been written to tell, and show, users how to do fumigations with the fumigants phosphine and methyl bromide using gas proof sheets to treat: -bag-stacks of grain, and other commodities -loaded freight containers -other products or [...]
Training Document 2004 J.E. van Someren Graver (English) Download document
Les pertes apres recolte depassent 30 pour cent dans beaucoup de pays en developpement. Elles sont, pour la plupart, dues a des infrastructures inexistantes ou inadaptees au maniement, au stockage et au traitement des denrees. Les technologies relatives a la [...]
Series 2004 Alzamora, Guerrero, Nieto, Vidales (French) Download document
There are many interacting steps involved in any postharvest system. Produce is often handled by many different people, transported and stored repeatedly between harvest and consumption. While particular practices and the sequence of operations will vary for each crop, there [...]
Instructional Manual 2004 Lisa Kitinoja, Adel A. Kader (English) Download document
Caracterizacion y usos potenciales del banco de germoplasma de aji amazonico
Series 2004 Melgarejo, Hernandez, Barrera, Bardales (Spanish) Download document