
This section provides access to documents covering the many post-harvest activities associated with agricultural commodities. 

Overview of the Phenomenon of Losses During the Post-harvest System
long (over 2 hours) 2001 Michel GROLLEAUD (English) Download document
Etude synthetique et didactique sur le phenomene des pertes se produisant tout au long du systeme apres recolte
long (over 2 hours) 2001 Michel GROLLEAUD (French) Download document
Estudio sintetico y didactico sobre el fenomeno de las perdidas que se producen a lo largo del sistema post-cosecha
long (over 2 hours) 2001 Michel GROLLEAUD (Spanish) Download document
Small-scale cashew nut processing (manual)
Series 2001 S. H. Azam-Ali; E. C. Judge; (English) Download document
The plantain marketing sectors of Cote-d'Ivoire and Cameroon were comparatively analyzed. It was found that there are several common features in their organization However, in Cote-d'Ivoire the fruit is harvested later than in Cameroon, with an increased risk of losing [...]
Publication (book) 2000 A. n' Da Adopo (French) Download document