
This section provides access to documents covering the many post-harvest activities associated with agricultural commodities. 

This manual has been elaborated from a very practical point of view, to be used as a guide for the activities that FAO carries out in Latin America and the Caribbean, in this important area of rural development. It presents [...]
Instructional Manual 1997 Gaetano Paltrinieri, Fernando Figuerola, Loreto Rojas (English) Download document
Ce seminaire, consacre au sechage des fruits, legumes, tubercules, viandes et poissons, a permis de faire le point des connaissances concernant les techniques et materiels de sechage existants et de traiter des perspectives de commercialisation locales et a l'exportation, de [...]
Series 1997 N.A. (French) Download document
The presence of mycotoxins in grains and other staple foods and feedstuffs has serious implications for human and animal health. Many countries have enacted regulations stipulating maximum amounts of mycotoxins permissible in food and feedstuffs. Most developed countries will not [...]
Copublication 1997 N.A. (English) Download document
La presence de mycotoxines dans les cereales et autres produits alimentaires de base a des consequences graves sur la sante humaine et animale. Plusieurs pays ont publie des reglementations fixant des limites maximales de concentration en mycotoxines autorisees dans les [...]
Copublication 1997 N.A. (French) Download document
The presence of mycotoxins in grains and other staple foods and feedstuffs has serious implications for human and animal health. Many countries have enacted regulations stipulating maximum amounts of mycotoxins permissible in food and feedstuffs. Most developed countries will not [...]
Copublication 1997 N.A. (Portuguese) Download document