
Esta sección proporciona el acceso a documentos que cubren múltiples actividades de poscosecha de los productos agrícolas. Incluye tanto un Motor de Búsqueda Simple y un Motor de Búsqueda Avanzada de modo de facilitar la información requerida.

Siempre que ha sido posible las publicaciones se presentan como archivos pdf descargables.

The manual is the result of contributions from a selection of different authors, mainly from countries in Latin America. It contains basic concepts and operations of processing, which are essential for a better understanding and comprehensive approach to the application [...]
Series 2003 Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas; (English) Download document
This guide describes, in fairly simple terms, the market research that agroprocessors can carry out, and some of the ways of doing such research. Market research can never guarantee success but it can certainly increase the likelihood that the new [...]
Series 2003 A.W.Shepherd (English) Download document
Esta guia describe, en terminos bastante sencillos, el tipo de investigacion de mercados que los agroindustriales pueden llevar a cabo, y algunas de las formas de hacer tal investigacion. La investigacion de mercados nunca puede garantizar el exito de un [...]
Series 2003 A.W.Shepherd (Spanish) Download document
Various techniques may be used to process palm oil fruits for edible oil, which may be grouped into four categories according to throughput and degree of complexity of the unit operational machinery: traditional methods, small-scale mechanical units, medium-scale mills and [...]
Series 2002 Kwasi Poku (English) Download document
The objective of this manual is to provide uniform, broad-based scientific and practical information on the safe production, handling, storage, and transport of fresh produce.
Training Document 2002 JIFSAN (English) Download document