
Esta sección proporciona el acceso a documentos que cubren múltiples actividades de poscosecha de los productos agrícolas. Incluye tanto un Motor de Búsqueda Simple y un Motor de Búsqueda Avanzada de modo de facilitar la información requerida.

Siempre que ha sido posible las publicaciones se presentan como archivos pdf descargables.

Post-harvesarvest operations are part of a system that includes all the steps, factors and actors from production to consumpttion. Therefore, a systems approach must be adopted when analysing constraints and introducing improvements. A methodology to analyse the constraints of post-harvest [...]
Instructional Manual 1999 A. Bell, C. Henckes (English) Download document
This publication contains guidelines for the analysis and promotion of post-production systems according to the methodological framework jointly developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the German development agency Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit [...]
Publication (book) 1999 A. Bell, F. Mazaud, O. Muck (English) Download document
Several species of drywood and subterranean termites have been recorded as pests in storage. The species recorded in Africa belong to the families Kalotermitidae (on dry wood) and the subterranean Termitidae. Most of the damage occurs in wooden storage structures, [...]
Publication (book) 1999 Albert Bell & Otto Mueck (English) Download document
provides extension workers with basic information on private-sector grain marketing systems and on crop drying and storage. Emphasis is on maize, but other crops are briefly considered.
Series 1999 Andrew W. Shepherd (English) Download document
Sans la pratique de l'allaitement (au sein), l'espece humaine n'aurait pu survivre et ce n'est que tres recemment que l'on a assiste a la baisse de cette pratique. Jusqu'au debut du XXe siecle, l'enfant a toujours et partout ete allaite [...]
Publication (book) 1998 N.A. (French) Download document