
Esta sección proporciona el acceso a documentos que cubren múltiples actividades de poscosecha de los productos agrícolas. Incluye tanto un Motor de Búsqueda Simple y un Motor de Búsqueda Avanzada de modo de facilitar la información requerida.

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The principal root and tuber crops of the tropics are cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), yam (Dioscorea spp.), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.), potato (Solanum spp.) and edible aroids (Colocasia spp. and Xanthosoma sagittifolium). They are widely grown and consumed as [...]
Publication (book) 1998 A. Diop, D.J.B. Calverley (English) Download document
Several global trends highlight the increasing importance of postharvest activities and research in this field. The first trend is urbanization, particularly in developing countries. As people live farther away from where food is prepared, they increasingly rely on smooth transport, [...]
Publication (book) 1998 F. Goletti, C. Wolff (English) Download document
Jusqu'ici, le secteur post-recolte et son integration aux activites de production primaire avaient beneficie de peu d'appui. De plus, une attention particuliere avait ete accordee a la 'problematique des pertes' qui donnait la priorite aux mesures de stockage et de [...]
Paper 1998 D. Gunther, E. Zimprich (French) Download document
La protection integree des denrees stockees s'oriente au modele d'un developpement durable ainsi qu'aux axes prioritaires de la politique de developpement du BMZ, a savoir la lutte contre la pauvrete, la protection de l'environnement et des ressources naturelles de meme [...]
Paper 1998 A. Bell, O. Muck, P. Mutlu, H. Schneider (French) Download document
The present brochure illustrates how international and national research institutions, bilateral and multilateral development cooperation projects, and the national agencies concerned, have cooperated intensively in developing new concepts for the post-harvest protection sector, and have thus contributed to successful problem-solving [...]
Publication (book) 1998 A. Bell, O. Muck, P. Mutlu, H. Schneider (English) Download document