
Cette section permet d’accéder aux documents qui traitent d’activités post-récolte associées aux produits agricoles. Deux moteurs de recherche, l’un avancé et l’autre simple, permettent de trouver facilement les informations que vous désirez.

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The purpose of this manual is to guide small-scale processors in the Ugandan fruits and vegetables sector to optimize their processing methods and implement quality assurance schemes and GHP (Good Hygienic Practices) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) programmes thus building [...]
Instructional Manual 2004 Peter Fellows (English) Download document
Manual de poscosecha
Instructional Manual 2004 Lisa Kitinoja, Adel A. Kader (Spanish) Download document
This manual is intended to serve as a guide to farmers and processors of fruits and vegetables in rural areas
Training Document 2003 Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas, Juan J. Fernández-Molina, Stella M. Alzamora, Maria S. Tapia, Aurelio López-Malo, Jorge Welti Chanes (English) Download document
General guide covering egg production and marketing
Training Document 2003 Edward S. Seidler,Martin Hilmi (English) Download document
Upgrading rural markets is one way to improve access to marketing opportunities. This guide is designed to assist community planners, rural engineers and agricultural extension units to formulate and implement relevant market development plans. The types of issues covered in [...]
Series 2003 John Tracey-White (English) Download document