
Cette section permet d’accéder aux documents qui traitent d’activités post-récolte associées aux produits agricoles. Deux moteurs de recherche, l’un avancé et l’autre simple, permettent de trouver facilement les informations que vous désirez.

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This report presents information about the post-harvest management, storage and transportation of organic fruit and vegetables, both in the fresh state and after processing. Some perspectives are offered on the international market opportunity. Some of the regulations governing processing, labelling [...]
long (over 2 hours) 2002 Julian Heyes, Bruce Bycroft (English) Download document
The Compendium on Small-scale Industrial and Institutional Stoves contains a wealth of information on a sector which generally does not receive much attention from outsiders including policy makers. That is unfortunate, as the small scale industrial sector, in particular those [...]
long (over 2 hours) 2001 Christina Aristanti (English) Download document
The project FAO/UNDP MYA/99/007 organized for community training during Oct, 2001, on (1) Tomato and banana processing (2) Potato, onion, garlic and ginger processing (3) Tea leaf processing and (4) Orange, lemon processing. The aim was to give income-generating options [...]
Series 2001 Daw Win Win Kyi (English) Download document
Esta guia ha sido preparada para ayudar a extensionistas y demas trabajadores en contacto permanente con las comunidades agricolas en la labor de aconsejar a los agricultores para que hagan el mejor uso de la informacion de mercados. La guia [...]
Series 2001 A.W.Shepherd (Spanish) Download document
Working document of the project: TCP/CPR/8925 "Integrated Pest Management and Storage of Chestnuts in XinXian County, Henan Province, China."
long (over 2 hours) 2001 Fabio Mencarelli (English) Download document