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Sorghum and millets in human nutrition is a new addition to the FAO Food and Nutrition Series. The publication is broad in scope and coverage, starting with the history and nature of sorghum and millets and dealing with production, utilization [...]
Publication (book) 1995 N.A. (English) Download document
Le sorgho et les mils dans la nutrition humaine vient s'ajouter a la collection FAO d'etudes sur la nutrition. Cet ouvrage constitue un vaste tour d'horizon de l'histoire et de la nature du sorgho et des mils ainsi que de [...]
Publication (book) 1995 N.A. (French) Download document
This manual on the farming systems approach to technology development is based on the experiences of the authors over the last two decades. Much of the documentation of these experiences has occurred over the last five years with the production [...]
Publication (book) 1995 D.W. Norman et al. (English) Download document
This publication is a collection of the products and recipes developed by the above project. The recipes are primarily designed for use at the household level or as a basic product formula upon which to expand production at the small [...]
Publication (book) 1994 E. A. Williams (English) Download document
The principle objective of this PHYTOGUIDE is to assist member countries and sub-regional/regional organizations in endorsing, but perhaps more importantly, adopting minimum but practically implementable phytosanitary standards in the export, import and transshipment of agricultural commodities. The focus has been [...]
Publication (book) 1994 R. L. Semple, G.I. Kirenga (eds.) (English) Download document