

flour, maize: 3 29
egg, chicken: 2
sugar: 1 27
baking powder: 1 27
coconut, milk: 1 29
salt, table: 2 31
shortening: 1 29
corn, starch: 1 29

Dish Type: Snacks

Country: Dominican Republic
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Preheat oven at 375 degrees F.
2. Sift together in a large bowl the corn-meal, corn starch, salt, sugar, and baking powder.
3. In another bowl, mix eggs, coconut milk, and shortening. Gradually add the flour mixture to form a stiff dough. Let it stand for 15 mn.
4. On a slightly floured board, roll out the dough and strech it into a long rope about 3/4-inch in diameter. Cut the rope into 4-inch long strips. Make rings with the strips by wrapping in a circle and pinching the ends together.
5. Bake the rings on a greased cookie sheet for 30 mn, or until hard to touch.
6. Cool at room temperature. Keep stored in a closed container.

Makes 2 dozen

Dominican Cookbook

4 - 6