Fritos maduros

Fritos maduros

banana, plantain: 3
oil, cooking/salad:

Dish Type: Snacks

Country: Dominican Republic
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Peel the plantain and slice them diagonally into 1-inch thick slices.
2. Fry in 1/2-inch of hot oil for 2 minutes.
3. Place the fried plantains on paper towels and let cool at least 3 minutes.
4. Press each one down softly until somewhat flattened, using for this purpose a small plate, or the bottom of a heavy jar.
5. Fry the pressed slices again until they turn golden brown in color.
6. Drain and dry on paper towels. Serve immediately.

It makes 1 1/2 dozen.

Dominican Cookbook