Rice with Cod Fish and Coconut Milk

Rice with Cod Fish and Coconut Milk

rice: 2 1/2 29
onions: 1
garlic: 3
pepper, sweet: 1
water: 3 1/2 29
broth: 1 21
coconut, milk: 1 29
cod: 1 53
onion, green: 1 27
parsley: 1/2 27
salt, table: 1 31
oil, cooking/salad: 3 1/2 27
tomato, concentrated: 2 27

Dish Type: Side Dish

Country: Dominican Republic
Cooking Time (minutes): advanced (over night)
1. Soak the salt cod in cold water overnight. Drain. Soak a second time for at least 2 hours. Drain again. Soak a 3rd time for 1 hour, drain, and taste for saltiness. Repeat until the water is almost fresh. Drain and dice.
2. Rinse the rice twice in cold water. Drain.
3. Saute the onion, green onion, garlic, green pepper, salt, parsley, and coriander in the cooking oil. Add the salt cod, chicken bouillon cube, tomato paste, coconut milk, and 1/2 cup of water. Mix well and cook for 5 mn over low heat.
4. Add the rice and stir 1 or 2 mn.
5. Add the rest of the water and cook uncovered over high heat until the water has almost been absorbed.
6. Reduce the heat to vey low, cover and simmer for about 20 to 30 mn, or until the rice is tender.
7. Serve hot, garnished with the sweet red peppers.

Dominican Cookbook
