Moro de habichuelas rojas

Moro de habichuelas rojas

rice: 2 1/2 29
onions: 1
garlic: 4
pepper, sweet: 1
oil, olive: 3 27
water: 8 29
broth: 2 21
coriander: 1/2 27
oregano: 1 31
salt, table: 1 31
vinegar: 1/2 31
beans, red: 1 1/2 29
tomato, concentrated: 2 27

Dish Type: Side Dish

Country: Dominican Republic
Cooking Time (minutes): advanced (over night)
1. Soak the beans overnight in enough water to cover. Drain.
2. Place the beans in a large pot and boil them in 8 cups water until tender, for about 1 hour. Add more water if necessary until tenderness is reached. Drain again, set the beans aside and reserve the cooking liquid.
3. Rinse the rice twice in cold water. Drain.
4. Saute the onion, garlic, green pepper, oregano, salt, coriander, and the cooked beans in the olive oil. Add the chicken bouillon cubes, tomato paste, vinegar, and 1 cup of the bean's cooking liquid. Mix well and cook for 3 or 4 mn, stirring occasionally.
5. Add 3 1/2 more cups of the bean's cooking liquid, adding water to complete it, if needed.
6. Add the rice and mix well. Cook uncovered over high heat until almost all the liquid has been absorbed.
7. Reduce the heat as low as possible, cover and simmer for 20 mn, or until the rice is tender.
8. Remove the lid and allow the mixture to dry for 2 or 3 mn. Serve hot.

Can of red beans may be used. the preparation time will be shorter.

Dominican Cookbook
