

salt, table:
oil, frying:

Dish Type: Side Dish

Country: World
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Wash, peel and thinly slice the root crop tubers.
2. Place tuber slices in a bowl of cold-water.
3. Wash slices for a few minutes.
4. Drain off excess water using a sieve.
5. Half fill a deep frying pan with oil and heat.
6. Test that the oil is hot enough for frying the chips by placing one or two slices in the oil. If the chips burn within a minute or two of cooking then reduce the heat. If the chips take longer than 4 -5 minutes to cook then increase the heat slightly.
7. Place small batches of tuber slices in the oil to cook. Remove when golden brown or yellow and crispy in texture.
8. Place the chips in a sieve and shake to remove excess oil.
9. When cool sprinkle the chips with oil.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1994), Utilizing root crops, RAPA Publication 1994/30, Regional Office for Asia & the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand