Roti (fried)

Roti (fried)

flour, roots: 2 50
salt, table: 1
oil, cooking/salad:

Dish Type: Other

Country: World
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Mix salt and flour
2. Add enough water to make a thick dough.
3. Divide the dough into 4 balls
4. Pat each ball into a circular shape on a clean chopping board. The circular shape is known as roti.
5. Place a thin layer of oil in the frying pan.
6. Transfer a roti to the frying pan and cook over a medium flame. Turn the roti over once during cooking adding a little extra oil if the frying pan becomes dry. Fry until the roti is golden brown.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1994), Utilizing root crops, RAPA Publication 1994/30, Regional Office for Asia & the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand