Baked Rice with Milk

Baked Rice with Milk

rice: 2 29
groundnuts: 2 27
milk: 4 29
sugar: 1 27
salt, table:

Dish Type: Dessert

Country: Tanzania
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Clean and wash the rice.
2. Grease a tin or pan.
3. Put the rice, sugar, salt, groundnuts in the pan, add the milk and cover.
4. Put the pan in a sand-oven, covering the lid with hot charcoal, and bake the pudding until rice is cooked, about 1 hour.
5. Serve hot or cold.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome