Gold Coast Luncheon Salad

Gold Coast Luncheon Salad

rice: 2 29
pineapple: 1/2 29
mint: 1 27
salt, table:
sauce, mayonnaise: 1/2 29
pork, sausage: 1/2 53

Dish Type: Salad

Country: Australia
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Combine pineapple and mint and toss very well until pineapple is coated with mint.
2. Add rice and sausages with salt and pepper. Add mayonnaise and toss gently.
3. Serve as luncheon disk or as an accompaniment to meat.

International Rice Institute (IRRI) & International Women's Organization (SUHAY), VIRMANI, Inderjeet (ED)(1991), Home Chefs of the World - Rice and Rice-based Recipes, ISBN 971-22-0023-X, Manila, Philippines