Tom Yum

Tom Yum


onions: 1
mushrooms: 1 cup
lemon: 3
water: 6 cups
chillies: 4 - 8
ginger: 6 pieces
shrimps: 1/2 kg
salt, table: 1/2 teaspoon
calamansi (fruit): 1/2 cup
sauce, patis: 4 tablespoon
wansuy: 1/8 cup

Dish Type: Soup

Country: Thailand
Cooking Time (minutes): average (30 minutes - 2 hours)

1. Wash and trim shrimps. Devein but keep the shell intact. Set aside.
2. Make a broth by boiling water and adding lemongrass, white ginger, salt, onion, tomato, and calamansi juice. Cover and simmer until they turn pink.
3. Add mushrooms and season with patis. Before serving, put chili at the bottom of a bowl, depending on desired degree of hotness.
4. Fill bowl with soup. Decorate with wansuy.

International Rice Institute (IRRI) & International Women's Organization (SUHAY), VIRMANI, Inderjeet (ED)(1991), Home Chefs of the World - Rice and Rice-based Recipes, ISBN 971-22-0023-X, Manila, Philippines
