Roti Sweet Potato

Roti Sweet Potato

sweet potatoes: 500 6
flour, wheat: 2 29
salt, table:
oil, cooking/salad: 1/2 27

Dish Type: Side Dish

Country: Mauritius
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Wash and boil sweet potatoes, and mash well.
2. Add flour, oil and salt to make a dough to a rolling consistency.
3. Divide dough into small round balls and roll on rolling board.
4. Bake in a pan, turning over when one side is done.
5. Apply a little oil and serve with curry or curd.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1991), Post-harvest and processing technologies of African staple foods: a technical compendium, ISBN 92-5-103076-6, Rome