Pancit Molo

Pancit Molo

onions: 1/4 29
garlic: 1 27
pork: 1 8
pepper, black: 1 31
celery: 2 27
flour, wheat: 1/4 29
monosodium glutamate: 1 31
salt, table: 2 27
soya, sauce: 1 27
texturized vegetable protein (tvp): 1 8
molo wrapper:

Dish Type: Main Dish

Country: Philippines
Cooking Time (minutes): long (over 2 hours)
1. Mix all ingredients except molo wrapper. Place 1 tbsp of TVP extended meat filling on each molo wrapper.
2. Form into balls or meat dumplings.
3. Boil the chicken stock. Add the meat dumplings. cook for 10 mn. Serve hot.

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development, LANTICAN, Cecilia (ED)(1996), Great Flavor of Soybean, (Book Series No.155/1996), ISBN 971-20-0424-4, PCARRD-TAPI, Los Ba?os, Laguna