Dan Wake

Dan Wake

cowpeas: 230 6
water: 200
potash: 20 6
salt, table: 20 6

Dish Type: Main Dish

Country: World
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): average (30 minutes - 2 hours)
1. Dissolve potash in water to make a saturated solution.
2. Mix the cowpea flour with the solution. Let stand 15-20 mn.
3. Add salt to taste (the mixture should be of thick consistency).
4. Place large quantity of water on fire and boil.
5. Drop spoonfuls of mixture into the rapidly boiling water. Cook 3-5 mn. Drain and wash twice.
6. Serve as a meal garnished with hot pepper powder and sesame oil.

Dried ground baobab leaves may be added to the mixture to provide a bright green colouring. As a snack, it is sprinkled with powdered red pepper and put into fried cooking oil. To serve as an appetizer soup, small dumplings are served in meat or smoked fish stock.

DOVLO, Florence E., WILLIAMS, Caroline E., ZOAKA, Laraba (1976), Cowpeas - Home preparation and use in West Africa (IDRC), ISBN 0-88936-071-5, reprint 1984, Ottawa

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