Green Soybean Guisado with Corn

Green Soybean Guisado with Corn

soya, beans: 1 29
corn, sweet: 1 29
onions: 1 27
pepper, green: 1/2 29
pepper: 1/8 31
shrimps: 1/4 29
salt, table: 1 31
corn, starch: 2 31
oil, cooking/salad: 1 27

Dish Type: Main Dish

Cooking Time (minutes): average (30 minutes - 2 hours)
1. Saute onion, shrimps, corn and soybean. Simmer for 3 mn.
2. Add shrimp juice, salt and pepper. Cook for 5 mn.
3. Add cornstarch and green pepper leaves. Cook for another 2 mn.

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development, LANTICAN, Cecilia (ED)(1996), Great Flavor of Soybean, (Book Series No.155/1996), ISBN 971-20-0424-4, PCARRD-TAPI, Los Ba?os, Laguna