Scalloped Bananas au Gratin

Scalloped Bananas au Gratin

bananas: 4 29
onions: 1 29
butter: 1 46
cheese, cheddar: 1
salt, table:
white sauce: 2 29

Dish Type: Side Dish

Difficulty: Easy
Cooking Time (minutes): quick (30 minutes or less)
1. Cook sliced bananas in small quantity of boiling water for 10 mn. drain and arrange in alternate layers with onions in greased 1 1/2 qt casserole.
2. Pour white sauce over, sprinkle with cheese, dot with butter and bake uncovered in moderate oven for approx. 45 mn, or till banana is tender.

Compa?ia Bananera de Costa Rica, STARGARDTER, F. (ED), All you need is under the peel - green bananas recipes, Golfito